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Ustadz Ali Hasan Bawazier Biography

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Ustadz Ali Hasan Bawazier was born in Bandung, West Java, in 1971. He is a preacher who has been deeply involved in the world of education and Islamic outreach (da’wah). Since his teenage years, he has been acquiring knowledge in theology and the teachings related to Islam. After graduating from high school (SMA), he became actively involved as a sermon giver (khatib) in mosques across Indonesia.

In 2004, Ustadz Ali Hasan Bawazier became one of the caretakers of the An-Nashr Islamic Boarding School in Bandung. He has consistently taught in various locations in West Java and has conducted seminars and study sessions in different parts of Indonesia.

Ustadz Ali Hasan Bawazier is also an author and speaker who has published several books, including “Tauhid & Akhlak” and “Manhaj Salaf.” He has been a guest speaker on various television and radio programs, such as RCTI, Trans7, TransTV, Radio Rodja, and Radio Dakwah.

Furthermore, Ustadz Ali Hasan Bawazier actively participates in various da’wah organizations and serves as a speaker in da’wah seminars in major cities in Indonesia. He has spoken in places like Jakarta, Semarang, Surabaya, Malang, Jember, Yogyakarta, and others.

Ustadz Ali Hasan Bawazier is also one of the speakers at the International Da’wah Festival held annually in Jakarta, Indonesia. He is regarded as a trusted and respected figure among da’is (Islamic preachers) in Indonesia. He is frequently invited to conduct seminars at universities throughout Indonesia.

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