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Yassir Fazaga Biography

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Sheikh Yassir Fazaga is a highly respected and sought-after speaker, known for his engaging talks on a range of topics related to Islam and contemporary issues. Born in Eritrea, Northeast Africa, Sheikh Yassir moved to the United States as a teenager and has since become a prominent figure in the Muslim community, with a reputation that extends from the USA to the Middle and Far East.

Education and Qualifications

Sheikh Yassir’s extensive educational background includes a Bachelor’s Degree in Islamic Studies from the Institute of Islamic and Arabic Sciences in Virginia, and a Master’s Degree in Marriage and Family Counseling from the California State University of Long Beach. He is also a certified life coach, with training in cognitive-behavioral therapy and neuro-linguistic programming.

Leadership and Advocacy

Currently, Sheikh Yassir serves as the Religious Leader of Orange County Islamic Foundation (OCIF) in Mission Viejo, California. In this role, he provides guidance and support to the local Muslim community, helping to foster a sense of unity and understanding. He is also the Director of Mental Health Department at Access California Social Services Agency in Anaheim, where he works to address a range of issues faced by families, including domestic violence, communication problems, marital conflicts, and more.

Sheikh Yassir is widely recognized for his advocacy work, which includes efforts to promote interfaith dialogue and understanding. He has been a guest speaker at numerous conferences and events, and has appeared on various media outlets to discuss issues related to Islam and Muslim communities.

Final Thoughts

Sheikh Yassir’s ability to speak multiple languages fluently, including Arabic, English, and Tigrinya, allows him to connect with people from diverse backgrounds and cultures. His engaging style, combined with his knowledge and expertise, has made him a sought-after speaker for conferences, workshops, and other events around the world.

In addition to his speaking engagements and advocacy work, Sheikh Yassir has authored several books, including “The Hidden Pearls,” “The Dilemma of Muslim Psychologists,” and “Muslim Teens: Today’s Worry, Tomorrow’s Hope.” These works reflect his commitment to addressing the unique challenges faced by Muslim individuals and communities, while also providing practical guidance and support.

Overall, Sheikh Yassir Fazaga is an inspiring figure who has made significant contributions to the Muslim community and beyond. Through his speaking engagements, advocacy work, and written works, he has helped to promote greater understanding and appreciation of Islam, while also supporting individuals and families facing a range of challenges.

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