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Habib Umar Bin Hafiz Hafal Biography

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Born on May 27, 1963, in the heartland of Tarim, Hadhramaut, Yemen, Habib Umar bin Hafiz emerged into the world as a bearer of a sacred legacy. His father, Muhammad bin Salim bin Hafiz, a Habib and mufti of Tarim, bestowed upon him a heritage of Islamic scholarship and virtue. The very fabric of his upbringing was woven with the threads of piety and wisdom, passed down through generations. A Sayyid, he traced his ancestry to the luminous lineage of the Islamic Prophet Muhammad, a noble heritage that resonated in his every step.

A Lifetime of Learning

In the hallowed corridors of Dar al-Mustafa, a beacon of Islamic education, Habib Omar’s journey of enlightenment began. From a tender age, he absorbed the teachings of the Quran, delving into Fiqh, Hadith, Arabic, and an array of religious sciences. Under the guidance of esteemed mentors, including Al-Habib Muhammad bin Abd-Allah al-Haddar and Al-Habib Zain bin Sumait, he was nurtured into a scholarly luminary. The flame of knowledge ignited within him, soon to be shared with the world.

Path to Leadership

With permission to teach bestowed upon him, Habib Omar embarked on a lifelong mission to impart wisdom. He traveled and studied extensively, imbibing from the wellsprings of scholars like Al-Habib Abdul Qadir bin Ahmad al-Saqqaf and Al-Habib Ahmed Mashur al-Haddad. At the tender age of 15, he began to educate others, a role he embraced with fervor.

Founding Dar al-Mustafa

Guided by a fervent desire to spread knowledge, Habib Omar established Dar al-Mustafa, an institution that radiates the brilliance of Islamic education. Nestled in Tarim, this seminary has welcomed students from diverse corners of the globe, nurturing a new generation of scholars and spiritual leaders. His tireless efforts to blend traditional teachings with contemporary challenges have garnered international recognition, even earning the attention of The New York Times.

A Global Journey

Habib Omar’s reach extended far beyond Yemen’s borders. From the Persian Gulf states to the heartlands of Africa, from the tapestries of Asia to the West’s urban landscapes, his presence graced diverse regions. He engaged in dialogues, teachings, and collaborations, connecting with scholars and seekers alike. His efforts to foster interfaith understanding found resonance in his involvement with “A Common Word Between Us and You,” bridging the gap between Muslim and Christian communities.

Champion of Compassion

Driven by an unwavering commitment to alleviating human suffering, Habib Omar forged partnerships to address issues of poverty, hunger, and healthcare. He co-founded Al-Rafah Charitable Society, extending a helping hand to those in need within the Tarim region. His noble pursuits painted a portrait of compassion, manifesting the teachings of Islam in action.

A Legacy of Influence

Habib Umar bin Hafiz’s impact transcends boundaries and generations. His dedication to nurturing minds and souls led him to the forefront of the world’s most influential Muslim scholars. Recognized as a beacon of knowledge and spirituality, he graces the ranks of The 500 Most Influential Muslims, a distinction he has maintained since its inception in 2009.


Habib Umar bin Hafiz, a guardian of knowledge and a bearer of the Prophetic legacy, stands as an exemplar of scholarship and spirituality. His journey, etched in the annals of time, weaves a narrative of devotion, enlightenment, and compassion. As his teachings continue to illuminate hearts and minds, his legacy remains an enduring source of inspiration for generations to come.

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