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Rateb Marai Biography

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Shaykh Rateb Marai, a passionate individual with a thirst for knowledge of the mind and soul, is dedicated to helping others grow in Islam through its beauty and simplicity. In this article, we will delve deeper into his inspiring journey.

Early Days and Education

Born and raised in Canada with roots in Palestine, Shaykh Rateb began serving his local Muslim communities through social and volunteer work as well as inspirational talks during his high school years. After graduating, he pursued his undergraduate studies in behavioral neuroscience.

During his studies, he received acceptance to the prestigious Islamic University of Madinah where he completed an Associate Degree in Arabic and a Bachelors Degree from the Faculty of Law, alongside independent traditional studies.

Passion for Serving Communities

Shaykh Rateb’s dedication to empowering communities did not stop there. Alongside teaching, he serves various Muslim communities across the Greater Toronto Area and works with the National Zakat Foundation, providing support to those in need.

Leaving Behavioral Neuroscience for Islam

Shaykh Rateb has been quoted saying, “I left behavioral neuroscience, which is the study of the mind, to study Islam, which is the study of the mind, heart, and soul.” His decision to leave behind his studies in behavioral neuroscience and focus on Islam is a testament to his passion for understanding the complexities of the human mind and soul and how it relates to Islam.


Shaykh Rateb Marai’s journey is an inspiring one, from his early days of serving communities to his pursuit of knowledge at the Islamic University of Madinah, and his continued dedication to empowering others in Islam. His passion for understanding the mind and soul is evident in his work and teachings, and it serves as an inspiration to many who seek to grow in their faith.

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