
″Oh Claimant of Understanding″ Transliteration & English Translation


Here is the transliteration and English translation of the popular poem titled, ”Oh Claimant of Understanding.” You can download the audio here, as you Read below:

″Oh Claimant of Understanding″ Transliteration

ạảyā man̊ yadãʿī ạlfah̊m̊ … ại̹lay̱ kam̊ yā ạảkẖā ạlwah̊m̊

tuʿabĩy ạldẖãn̊ba wāldẖãmã … wtukẖ̊ṭy ạl̊kẖaṭāả ạl̊jamã

ạảmãạ bāna laka ạlʿẙb̊ … ạảmãạ ạản̊dẖaraka ạlsẖ̃yb̊

wamā fī nuṣ̊ḥihi rẙb̊ … walā sam̊ʿuka qad̊ ṣum̊

ạảmãạ nāday̱ bika ạlmwt̊ … ạảmãạ ạảs̊maʿaka ạlṣ̃ẘt̊

ạảmãạ takẖ̊sẖay̱ mina ạlfaẘt̊ … fataḥ̊tāṭa watih̊tum

fakam̊ tas̊daru fī ạlsh̊ẘ … watakẖ̊tālu mina ạlzh̊ẘ

watun̊ṣabu ại̹lay̱ ạll̃hẘ … kāảnã ạl̊maẘta mā ʿamiⁿ̃

wḥat̃ạm tajạfyk̊ … wā̹b̊ṭāʾu tlạfyk̊

ṭibāʿaⁿạ jm̊ʿt̊ fyk̊ … ʿuywbạaⁿ sẖam̊luhā ạin̊ḍamã

ại̹dẖā ạảs̊kẖaṭ̊ta mẘlạk̊ … famā tuq̊laqu min̊ dẖạk̊

wāi̹n̊ ạảkẖ̊faqa msʿạk̊ … talaẓãẙta manã ạl̊hamĩ

wāi̹n̊ lāḥa laka ạlñqsẖ̊ … manã ạl̊ạảṣ̊fari thtasẖ̃

wāi̹nã marã bika ạlñʿsẖ̊ … tgẖạmam̊ta walā gẖamuⁿ̃

tuʿāṣī ạlnãạṣiḥa ạl̊barã … wtʿ̊tạṣu wataz̊warũ

watan̊qādu liman̊ gẖariⁿ̃ … waman̊ māna wamin̊ namiⁿ̃

watas̊ʿay̱ fī haway̱ ạlñfs̊ … wataḥ̊tālu ʿalay̱ ạlfal̊s̊

watan̊say̱ ẓul̊maẗa ạlr̃ms̊ … walā tadẖakũru mā tẖamã

walaẘ lāḥaẓaka ạl̊ḥaẓũ … lamãạ ṭāḥa bika ạll̃ḥ̊ẓ̊

walā kunta ại̹dẖā ạlwaʿẓ̊ … jalā ạl̊ạ̉ḥ̊zāna tagẖ̊tamũ

studẖ̊rī ạldãma lā ạld̃m̊ʿ̊ … ại̹dẖā ʿāyan̊ta lā jm̊ʿ̊

yaqī fī ʿar̊ṣaẗi ạljmʿ̊ … walā kẖāla walā ʿamuⁿ̃

kāảnĩyiⁿ̃ bika tan̊ḥaṭũ … ại̹lay̱ ạllãḥ̊di watan̊gẖaṭũ

waqad̊ ạảsalãmaka ạlr̃hṭ̊ … ại̹lay̱ ạảḍayãqa min̊ samiⁿ̃

hunāka ạl̊jis̊mu mmdwd̊ … lystạ̉kilahu ạld̃wd̊

ại̹lay̱ ạå̉n̊ yan̊kẖara ạlʿwd̊ … wayum̊sī ạl̊ʿaẓ̊mu qad̊ rum̊

wamin̊ buʿ̊du falā budã … manã ạl̊ʿar̊ḍi ại̹dẖā ạuʿ̊tud̊

ṣirāṭuⁿ jas̊ruhu muduⁿ̃ … ʿalay̱ ạlnãạri liman̊ ạảm̊

fakam̊ min̊ mur̊sẖidiⁿ ḍalã … wamin̊ dẖī ʿizãẗiⁿ dẖalã

wakam̊ min̊ ʿālimiⁿ zalã.

Oh Claimant of Understanding Transliteration Pdf

″Oh Claimant of Understanding″ English Translation

Oh you who claims to understand

Oh brother, how long will you be deluded.

You tire yourself with sin and disgrace

You make mistake after mistake

Do not you feel ashamed?

Has not your old age warned you?

For certainly there is no doubt about its advice

But your hearing has not heard.

Has not death called you?

Have you not heard the voice?

Are you not afraid your time is running out?

So be warned and take heed.

For how dizzy are you in heedlessness

As you strut in arrogance.

And you focus on having fun

As if death is a myth.

When you anger your Master (Allah)

You feel no anxiety for that.

But if your ( worldly) efforts fail

You burn in worry

As you move according to your desires

Seeking any means to obtain money

And you forget the darkness of the coffin

And you do not ponder what will take place there

You will cry blood, not tears

When you see the reality and there will be no uncle or aunt to save you

It is as if I am with you descending to the gravepit as you are covered

And your family leave you be to a place narrower than a small hole.

And there lays an extended body only to be eaten by worms

That keep gnawing constantly until your bones decay

And after that your actions must be shown

Then over a path whose bridge is over the fire

For how many guided one became misguide

And how many mighty ones were disgraced

And how many scholars erred…

Saying : “The responsibility overtook me”

So do not be fooled by time..even if you are pleased and are delighted

For the heedless one will be attacked- by a snake that spouts venom

So humble yourself to whomever you meet , for indeed death will meet you

And ignore the one who abuses and do pay him no mind.

Let your soul increase in good – and leave off which leads to torment.

And embark upon the ship and avoid the fierce waves.

With this, I advise you, oh my Friend, for verily I have explained like one explains.

So glad tidings to the lad – that goes and takes heed to my ethics. Live in the world as stranger, for indeed the has no specific time of departure, he can depart at any moment. But do not forget your share of the world, you need to balance between the share of the world and that preserved for you in the hereafter. So do not buy your share of the world with that of the hereafter.

″Oh Claimant of Understanding″ in Arabic

أيا مَن يدّعي الفَـهْـمْ … إلى كمْ يا أخا الوَهْـمْ

تُعبّي الـذّنْـبَ والـذمّ … وتُخْطي الخَطأ الجَـمّ

أمَا بانَ لـكَ الـعـيْبْ … أمَا أنْـذرَكَ الـشّـيبْ

وما في نُصحِـهِ ريْبْ … ولا سمْعُكَ قـدْ صـمّ

أمَا نادَى بكَ الـمـوتْ … أمَا أسْمَعَك الصّـوْتْ

أما تخشَى من الفَـوْتْ … فتَحْـتـاطَ وتـهـتـمْ

فكمْ تسدَرُ في السهْـوْ … وتختالُ من الـزهْـوْ

وتنْصَبُّ إلى الـلّـهـوْ … كأنّ الموتَ مـا عَـمّ

وحَـتّـام تَـجـافـيكْ … وإبْـطـاءُ تـلافـيكْ

طِباعاً جمْعـتْ فـيكْ … عُيوباً شمْلُها انْـضَـمّ

إذا أسخَطْـتَ مـوْلاكْ … فَما تقْلَـقُ مـنْ ذاكْ

وإنْ أخفَقَ مسـعـاكْ … تلظّيتَ مـنَ الـهـمّ

وإنْ لاحَ لكَ النّـقـشْ … منَ الأصفَرِ تهـتَـشّ

وإن مرّ بك النّـعـشْ … تغامَـمْـتَ ولا غـمّ

تُعاصي النّاصِحَ البَـرّ … وتعْـتـاصُ وتَـزْوَرّ

وتنْقـادُ لـمَـنْ غَـرّ … ومنْ مانَ ومـنْ نَـمّ

وتسعى في هَوى النّفسْ … وتحْتالُ على الفَـلْـسْ

وتنسَى ظُلمةَ الرّمـسْ … ولا تَـذكُـرُ مـا ثَـمّ

ولوْ لاحظَـكَ الـحـظّ … لما طاحَ بكَ اللّـحْـظْ

ولا كُنتَ إذا الـوَعـظْ … جَلا الأحزانَ تغْـتَـمّ

ستُذْري الدّمَ لا الدّمْـعْ … إذا عايَنْتَ لا جـمْـعْ

يَقي في عَرصَةِ الجمعْ … ولا خـالَ ولا عــمّ

كأني بـكَ تـنـحـطّ … إلى اللحْدِ وتـنْـغـطّ

وقد أسلمَك الـرّهـطْ … إلى أضيَقَ مـنْ سـمّ

هُناك الجسمُ مـمـدودْ … ليستـأكِـلَـهُ الـدّودْ

إلى أن ينخَرَ الـعـودْ … ويُمسي العظمُ قـد رمّ

ومنْ بـعْـدُ فـلا بُـدّ … منَ العرْضِ إذا اعتُـدّ

صِراطٌ جَـسْـرُهُ مُـدّ … على النارِ لـمَـنْ أمّ

فكمْ من مُرشـدٍ ضـلّ … ومـنْ ذي عِـزةٍ ذَلّ

وكم مـن عـالِـمٍ زلّ .

Message of ″Oh Claimant of Understanding″

In the realm of profound wisdom and sage counsel, lies the essence of eternal truths. Take heed, and do not succumb to the temptations of fleeting pleasures that this world offers. It is crucial to pause and reflect upon the essence of life, for it is within these moments of contemplation that the true purpose and meaning of our existence become evident.

Let the knowledge guide you, for Allah, the Most Generous, exceeds all others in generosity. Seek His bountiful blessings and His magnanimous love, for it is Him who grants abundance beyond measure. And remember, in your pursuit of greatness, revere Allah, the Most Great, for His majesty surpasses every other claim to grandeur.

In this complex and ever-changing world, it is easy to be swept away by the superficial allure of materialism and temporary pleasures. But true contentment lies in seeking the pleasure of our Creator, the One who created us with a purpose. Embrace the path of righteousness and virtue, for it is on this path that eternal fulfillment can be found.

So, my dear seeker of knowledge, immerse yourself in the depths of reflection, seeking guidance and solace from the wisdom that transcends time and space. Let these words resonate within your soul and kindle a flame of enlightenment. For it is through introspection and aligning our actions with the divine guidance that we can truly attain serenity, success, and eternal bliss. May your journey be blessed, and may you find profound fulfillment in the pursuit of truth.

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